PRESENTED BY: Dr. Ashkan Vaziri PhD
Sensors and Digital Technologies for HD
How will digital technology affect the future for patients with HD? Learn how new wearables can improve symptom management.
Dr. Ashkan Vaziri
Dr. Vaziri is Founder and CEO of BioSensics, a biomedical firm focused on development of wearable sensors and digital technologies for clinical trials and health outcome assessments. Dr. Vaziri's work presents a unique combination of academic research, product development, and small business experience. He co-founded BioSensics in 2007, when he was a Research Associate at the Harvard School of Engineering and joined BioSensics as its CEO in August 2019. Prior to joining BioSensics, he was a tenured Professor of Engineering at Northeastern University. Dr. Vaziri has authored 150+ journal papers, 250+ conference proceedings with more than 7,500 citations (h-index=48) and has served as a PI or Key Investigator on over 25 industrial, national and international grant awards.
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