Sensors and Digital Technologies for HD

Sensors and Digital Technologies for HD

PRESENTED BY: Dr. Ashkan Vaziri PhD
Sensors and Digital Technologies for HD

How will digital technology affect the future for patients with HD? Learn how new wearables can improve symptom management.

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Askhan Vaziri

Dr. Ashkan Vaziri


Dr. Vaziri is Founder and CEO of BioSensics, a biomedical firm focused on development of wearable sensors and digital technologies for clinical trials and health outcome assessments. Dr. Vaziri's work presents a unique combination of academic research, product development, and small business experience. He co-founded BioSensics in 2007, when he was a Research Associate at the Harvard School of Engineering and joined BioSensics as its CEO in August 2019. Prior to joining BioSensics, he was a tenured Professor of Engineering at Northeastern University. Dr. Vaziri has authored 150+ journal papers, 250+ conference proceedings with more than 7,500 citations (h-index=48) and has served as a PI or Key Investigator on over 25 industrial, national and international grant awards.